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業務内容 主な取扱案件


  • 外国政府を代理し、雇用機会均等委員会(EEOC)およびイリノイ州人権保護局(Illinois Department of Human Rights)に対し、全ての請求を却下させた。

  • 年齢・国籍差別問題を理由に連邦裁判所で訴えられた会社を代理し、法廷で日米間の友好通商航海条約を引用することにより、正式事実審理を行わずに、本件を却下させた。

  • オハイオ州の関連会社と共に、テネシー州において、公正労働基準法(FLSA)に基づくコレクティブアクションで訴えられることが推定された製造業者を代理した。同関連会社に対する本事件を却下させると共に、本訴訟事件におけるクラス(集団)が認定される前に本コレクティブアクションでの和解を成立させた。

  • イリノイ州人権保護局(Illinois Department of Human Rights)に提出された年齢および性別による雇用差別の請求において、全国ハードウェアの小売チェーン店を防御し、事実調査の後、全請求を却下させた。

  • 人種・出身国による差別に基づき、タイトル・セブン(市民的権利に関する法律)の違法行為があったとして訴えられたイリノイ州の製造会社を代理した。クライアントに対して同意判決が下されたり、または懲罰的損害賠償が科されたりすることなく、雇用機会均等委員会(EEOC)との和解合意を成立させた。

  • ミネソタ州の製造会社に勤務していた従業員が、雇用主による安全基準違反を主張したために報復的解雇をされたとして、雇用主に対して法的措置を講じた際に、雇用主を代理し防御した。

  • 消費者製品の製造業者が新施設に移転した際に、連邦およびイリノイ州での従業員の適応および再教育の通知(WARN: Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification)の義務について、対策を講じると共に助言し、2次製造業者が何回かにわたり人員整理を行った際に、かかる人員整理が401kプランに及ぼす影響を含め、アドバイスした。

  • 全国鉄道委員会(National Railway Board)から全国労働関係局(NLRB)アトランタ支局に回された、報復行為に関する申立てを却下させた。

  • 労働組合員勧誘キャンペーンで雇用主による不当労働行為があったとして、組合が全国労働関係局(NLRB)で救済の申立てを行った際に、かかる申立てを却下させた。

  • 労働組合による勧誘キャンペーンで製造会社を代理・支援した。その結果、全国労働関係局(NLRB)は、組合による選挙の申請を否認した。

  • 製造業界、サービス業界、倉庫業界および建設業界において、機械工、自動車工、トラックの運転手およびその他の労働組合との労働協約の交渉に当たった。

  • 会社(雇用主)が、組合による従業員の代表権の認証を取り消した際に、支援した。

  • 多種の苦情処理手続き/仲裁手続きにおいて、クライアント企業を防御し、代理した。

  • オハイオ州の製造会社が、従業員福利制度に関する法令に遵守し、違反による罰金などが科されないように、米国労働省による監査の対応において助言し、指揮を執った。

  • イリノイ州に本社を置く輸送会社が、書式(Form5500)による完全な申告を怠った際に、かかる処理手続きで代理した。その結果、米国労働省が同社に科した最終的罰金のかなりの金額が免除された。

  • 401(k)プランにおける給与天引き支払、制度への加入資格、繰延額およびローン運営上の瑕疵が、内国歳入庁のEmployee Plans Compliance Resolution Systemによって治癒されるように、是正願いを申し出て対処した。

  • 長期インセンティブ・プラン、ボーナス・プランおよびファントム・ストック・プランを含む、様々な税制非適格繰延報酬制度を立案したり、または検討したりした。



ノーリーン アムジャッド
プリンシパル, シカゴ
Tel 312.245.7538
角田 エルドン
プリンシパル, シャンバーグ
Tel 847.734.8811
リバーナ サックス
シニア・アソシエイト, シカゴ
Tel 312.245.7534
ジョン スタニス
プリンシパル, シャンバーグ
Tel 847.734.8811
河野 デイン
シニア・アドバイザー, シカゴ
Tel 312.245.7500
フランク デルバルト
プリンシパル, シャンバーグ
Tel 847.734.8811
笹本 ナンシー
プリンシパル, シカゴ
Tel 312.245.7500
ケヴィン ボアザン
シニア・アソシエイト, シカゴ
Tel 312.245.7500
ジウォン リー
プリンシパル, シカゴ
Tel 312.245.7500
ジェニファー ワトソン
プリンシパル, シカゴ
Tel 312.245.7500
岸波 宏和
アソシエイト, シカゴ
Tel 312.245.7500
近時、イリノイ州同一賃金法(Illinois Equal Pay Act)が改正されたことにより、15人以上の従業員を雇用する雇用主は、社内外で掲載する求人情報(Job…
イリノイ州で新たに施行される改正法により、 職場における従業員の権利が強化
概要 2024年8月初旬、イリノイ州知事J.B.プリツカーは、イリノイ州人権法(IHRA: Illinois Human Rights…
NLRBの共同雇用者に関する規則案について グループ会社内で検討すべきこと
概要 2023年10月、全国労働関係委員会(NLRB)は、2つの事業体を「共同雇用者」とみなすことがより容易となる同雇用者規則(Joint Employer…
Executive Summary On August 20, 2024, the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas issued a nationwide injunction barring…
ミシガン州の雇用主は、2025年2月21日施行の「取得型病気休暇法(Earned Sick Time Act (ESTA))」および「従業員機会賃金改善法(Improved Workforce Opportunity Wage Act…
UPDATE: On July 3, 2024, the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas (the “Court”) in Ryan LLC v. Federal Trade Commission…
ほとんどの先進国には、児童労働を規制する法律があります。多くの企業では、児童労働の禁止だけでなく、人権を尊重する義務に言及する行動規範を定めています。 米国では、労働省(「DOL」)が管轄する公正労働基準法(Fair Labor Standards…
Executive Summary On May 16, 2024, the Illinois House of Representatives approved Senate Bill 2979 (the “Bill”), which amends the…
Executive Summary On April 23, 2024, the United States Department of Labor released its final rule to increase the minimum salary…
連邦取引委員会(FTC)、 競業避止契約を禁止する最終規則を発行
概要 2024年1月9日、米国労働省(United States Department of Labor、以下「DOL」といいます。)は、連邦法の下で、どのような場合に、事業主が労働者を、従業員 (Employee)ではなく、独立請負人 (Independent…
On February 5, 2024, a class action complaint [link] was filed against Johnson and Johnson (“J&J”), its Pension and Benefits Committee, and…
Executive Summary On November 9, 2023, the Chicago City Council passed the new Chicago Paid Leave and Paid Sick Leave Ordinance (the…
米国労働省がホワイトカラー・エグゼンプション制度の利用における 俸給水準要件の大幅な引き上げを提案
概要 2023年8月30日、米国労働省(United States Department of Labor)(以下「DOL」といいます。)は、公正労働基準法(Fair Labor Standards…
Executive Summary On November 9, 2023, the Chicago City Council passed the new Chicago Paid Leave and Paid Sick Leave Ordinance (the…
【雇用法フラッシュニュース 】カリフォルニア州は競業避止義務の禁止を強化および拡大
概要 ・ 2023年9月1日、カリフォルニア州ギャビン・ニューサム知事の下、上院法案第699号 (SB699)…
【雇用法フラッシュニュース 】 イリノイ州日雇い・派遣労働サービス法の改定により労働者の保護を強化
2023年8月4日、J. B. プリツカー州知事は、日雇い・派遣労働サービス法(Day and Temporary Labor Services Act) の重大な改正に署名し、同法は即時に発効されました。同月7日、イリノイ労働局 (Illinois Department…
概要 ・2023年6月29日、従業員が雇用主に対して行う宗教上の理由に基づく配慮(accommodation)(以下、「宗教的配慮」といいます。)の要請について、連邦最高裁判所は、雇用主が、かかる配慮を行うことで雇用主に過度の負担(undue…
Executive Summary On August 11, 2023, Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker signed a new law that amends the Illinois Equal Pay Act…
全米労働関係委員会(NLRB)、退職(離職)合意書で 秘密保持条項および誹謗中傷行為禁止条項の記載を禁ずる
概要 2023年2月21日、全米労働関係委員会(以下「NLRB」といいます)は、退職(離職)合意書 (severance…
Executive Summary On June 20, 2023, the New York State Assembly passed A1278B (the “Bill”), which would prohibit employers from…
Executive Summary On June 13, 2023, the National Labor Relations Board (“NLRB” or the “Board”) issued its long-awaited decision in…
【雇用法フラッシュニュース】 EEOC、人工知能(AI)を活用した採用決定に関するガイダンスを発表
On May 18, 2023, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (“EEOC”) issued guidance on employers’ use of Artificial Intelligence…
Recently, the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit vacated a district court’s grant of partial summary judgment when it…
On February 21, 2023, The National Labor Relations Board (“NLRB”) issued a decision (McLaren Macomb, 372 NLRB No. 58 (2023)), in which it…
Executive Summary On Friday, the Illinois Supreme Court held in Cothron v. White Castle Systems, Inc. that a separate claim for damages…
Executive Summary On January 26, 2023, The U.S. Department of Labor (“DOL”) announced new enforcement guidance changes that will…
On January 26, 2023, the Michigan Court of Appeals reversed the July 19, 2022, opinion and order of the Michigan Court of Claims that held…
On January 10, 2023, the Illinois Legislature passed the Paid Leave for All Workers Act (“PLFAW Act” or the “Act”) which, once signed by…
Executive Summary On December 29, 2022, the Pregnant Worker Fairness Act (“PWFA”), and the Providing Urgent Maternal Protections for…
Executive Summary UPDATE: On October 25, 2022, the U.S. Department of Labor extended the original 45 day comment period for this proposed…
Executive Summary On October 11, 2022, the U.S. Department of Labor (“DOL”) issued a proposed rule to revise the current test for…
On Tuesday, September 27, 2022, California Governor Gavin Newsom signed SB 1162 into law. In addition to new pay data reporting…
概要 2022年6月29日、イリノイ州知事J.B.プリツカーは、「自然のままの髪を尊重する開かれた職場をつくる」法律(「クラウン法(CROWN…
Executive Summary On August 11, 2022, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued new COVID-19 guidance which…
An employer can lawfully require pregnant employees with lifting and other restrictions to go on leave and deny temporary light duty work…
The most important form in all of employee benefits is an individual employee’s life insurance and/or 401(k) plan beneficiary form(s). In…
Last Wednesday, we reported that the Michigan Court of Claims concluded that the “adopt-and-amend” process that the Michigan Legislature…
On July 19, 2022, the Michigan Court of Claims concluded that the “adopt-and-amend” process that the Michigan Legislature used to enact the…
パンデミック終息後の職場におけるメンタルヘルス: 雇用主が考慮すべき3つのポイント
概要 コロナウイルスの大流行は、私たちの心の健康 - メンタルヘルス-…
Author: Naureen Amjad Co-Author: Kelsey Yates (Summer Associate) Executive Summary On June 9, 2022, Governor JB Pritzker signed into…
【雇用法フラッシュニュース】ニューヨーク州の給与透明化法(Pay Transparency Law)、2022年11月まで施行延期
New York City’s pay transparency law was originally set to take effect on May 15, 2022; however, it will now be delayed until November 1…
Executive Summary On April 22, 2022, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed into law the “Stop WOKE” Act (HB 7) (the “Act”), which…
As previously reported, the U.S. Department of Justice (“DOJ”) has made good on its warnings to pursue criminal antitrust charges against…
Beginning May 7, 2022, employers in New York who monitor or otherwise intercept telephone conversations or transmissions, electronic email…
Many companies employ field service engineers/technicians who travel throughout the United States installing, maintaining, and repairing a…
For employers with employees in multiple states or cities, designing a uniform paid sick leave policy that treats all employees equally is…
When considering whether to approve an employee’s leave of absence request or upon learning that an employee will be away from work for an…
On March 1, 2022, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (“EEOC”) updated its guidance on religious accommodations and COVID-19…
When employees separate from employment, companies generally remember to provide such employees with information about continuing their…
UPDATE On March 3, 2022, President Biden signed into law the Ending Forced Arbitration of Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment Act of…
Executive Summary On February 9, 2022, Governor Gavin Newsom signed into law, Senate Bill 114, the 2022 California COVID-19…
イリノイ州の新・平等賃金法(Equal Pay Act)- 従業員100人以上の企業における報告義務、2022年3月24日から開始
Last year, Illinois updated the Illinois Equal Pay Act (“IEPA”) by enhancing reporting and compliance requirements for private businesses…
In late 2021 and early 2022, three issues affecting group health insurance became law. To ensure you remain in compliance, we have…
On Monday, January 24th, in a unanimous decision, the Supreme Court of the United States vacated and remanded Northwestern University’s…
During 2021, three issues demanded the attention of human resource professionals and management. In 2022, we expect these same three issues…
2022年1月13日、米国最高裁判所は、米国労働安全衛生局(OSHA)が100人以上の従業員を雇用する雇用主に対して定めた新型コロナウイルスワクチン接種および検査に関する緊急暫定基準(以下「ETS: Emergency Temporary…
New York City may soon join a growing number of states and localities which require employers to include salary ranges within job postings…
連邦第5巡回区控訴裁判所の決定により、米国労働安全衛生局(OSHA)が100人以上の従業員を雇用する雇用主に対して定めた新型コロナウイルスワクチン接種および検査に関する緊急暫定基準(以下「ETS: Emergency Temporary…
The legal fight over OSHA’s COVID Emergency Temporary Standard (“ETS”), which requires companies with 100 or more employees to implement a…
On November 13, 2021, the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit (the “5th Circuit”) granted the petitioners’ motion for a…
Background: As we alerted you last Thursday, OSHA published its long-awaited COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing Emergency Temporary Standard…
Masuda Funai Employment Newsflash - OSHA Announces Vaccination Requirements for Employers With 100 or More Employees
Today, OSHA announced its long-awaited COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS). The ETS requires employers with…
The Illinois Workplace Transparency Act (“Act”) requires all companies with Illinois-based employees to provide sexual harassment…
Masuda Funai Employment Newsflash - Federal Contractor and Subcontractor Employees Must Be Vaccinated
On September 9, 2021, President Biden issued an Executive Order that requires federal contractor and subcontractor employees to be…
Assistance Eligible Individuals (“AEIs”) who elect COBRA continuation coverage do not pay any COBRA continuation premiums during the period…
On August 13, 2021, Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker signed amendments to the Illinois Freedom to Work Act (“IFWA”) requiring all Illinois…
On Friday, August 13, 2021, OSHA issued its Guidance on Mitigating and Preventing the Spread of COVID-19 in the Workplace (“Guidance”). In…
On July 9, 2021, President Biden issued an executive order that called on the Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission to…
On July 16, 2021, the Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) published Revenue Procedure 2021-30, which makes significant improvements to the…
執筆者: ノーリーン アムジャット 共著 中山 怜香(サマー・アソシエイト) 概要 イリノイ州議会は、近時、イリノイ州働く自由法(Illinois Freedom to Work…
従業員の退職金をサイバー犯罪から保護すること- それは、雇用主の責任です
Executive Summary With the country reopening due to the lessening of COVID-related restrictions, companies and employees are returning…
【福利厚生フラッシュニュース】新COBRA助成金、2021年4月1日から2021年9月30日までのCOBRA保険料の100% 助成と従業員への通知義務
Assistance Eligible Individuals (“AEIs”) who elect COBRA continuation coverage do not pay any CORBA continuation premiums during the period…
【福利厚生フラッシュニュース】 新COBRA助成金、受給資格に関わる特別な通知要件
On March 11, 2021, President Biden signed The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (“ARPA”) into law. Among other employee benefit provisions…
【雇用法フラッシュニュース】米国経済救済計画法(American Rescue Plan Act)の施行
The American Rescue Plan Act is now in force. Signed by President Biden, one section impacts employers who voluntarily want to provide paid…
【カリフォルニア州フラッシュニュース 】カリフォルニア州、企業に対し従業員への規定時間内の食事休憩時間の提供を義務付け
California employers must generally provide employees with one 30-minute meal period that begins no later than the end of the fifth hour of…
Executive Summary With the Biden Administration’s stated goal of advancing equity in government contracting operations, businesses…
<更新版>【雇用法フラッシュニュース】企業による 従業員の生体認証情報の不適切使用への注意喚起
Companies are increasingly using employee fingerprints, hand scans, retina scans or facial recognition technology for timekeeping, as well…
【福利厚生フラッシュニュース】 福利厚生プランのPlan DocumentおよびSummary Plan Descriptionsの適切な管理
All companies, regardless of size, that sponsor a welfare plan (life, medical, dental, disability, vision, etc.) must ensure that (1) these…
As employees continue to work remotely, companies must ensure that employees are being reimbursed for business-related expenses, including…
Executive Summary In the waning days of the Trump administration, the Department of Labor (DOL) has been busy. Recognizing that the…
Executive Summary Time is running out! By December 31, 2020, every company with employees in Illinois must present a training…
Executive Summary Many human resources professionals administer their employer’s 401(k) plan (and health and welfare plans) and may…
Executive Summary On September 17, 2020, California Governor Newsom signed SB 1383 into law significantly expanding eligibility for…
米国労働省、労働者を独立請負人または従業員のどちらに分類すべきかを判断するための経済的実態基準(Economic Realities Test)を発表
Executive Summary On September 22, 2020, the U.S. Department of Labor (“DOL”) published, for review and comment, a proposed rule that…
セーフハーバー 401(k)プラン、年半ばの変更にかかわる一時的救済措置
Executive Summary Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) Notice 2020-52 provides clarification that mid-year changes to reduce or suspend…
Executive Summary On June 17, 2020, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (“OSHA”) published its latest guidance on…
概要 イリノイ州法は、特定の条件の下、従業員が業務上負担した経費の払い戻しを雇用主に義務づけています。雇用主がかかる経費の払い戻しを怠れば、イリノイ州法による責任が生じるリスクがあるため、経費精算(返済)規則(reimbursement…
トランプ大統領発表の「アメリカ再開(Opening Up America Again)ガイドライン」の下での事業再開ガイドライン【Part 7】
概要 2020年4月16日(木)、トランプ大統領は、「アメリカを再開させるためのガイドライン(Guidelines for Opening Up America Again)」(「本ガイドライン」)を発表しました。 …
トランプ大統領発表の「アメリカ再開(Opening Up America Again)ガイドライン」の下での事業再開ガイドライン【Part 6】
概要 2020年4月16日(木)、トランプ大統領は、「アメリカを再開させるためのガイドライン(Guidelines for Opening Up America Again)」(「本ガイドライン」)を発表しました。 …
トランプ大統領発表の「アメリカ再開(Opening Up America Again)ガイドライン」の下での事業再開ガイドライン【Part 5】
概要 2020年4月16日(木)、トランプ大統領は、「アメリカを再開させるためのガイドライン(Guidelines for Opening Up America Again)」(「本ガイドライン」)を発表しました。…
トランプ大統領発表の「アメリカ再開(Opening Up America Again)ガイドライン」の下での事業再開ガイドライン【Part 4】
概要 2020年4月16日(木)、トランプ大統領は、「アメリカを再開させるためのガイドライン(Guidelines for Opening Up America Again)」(「本ガイドライン」)を発表しました。…
トランプ大統領発表の「アメリカ再開(Opening Up America Again)ガイドライン」の下での事業再開ガイドライン【Part 3】
概要 2020年4月16日(木)、トランプ大統領は、「アメリカを再開させるためのガイドライン(Guidelines for Opening Up America Again)」を発表しました。…
Executive Summary Late yesterday afternoon Governor Pritzker issued Executive Order 2020-32 (“EO”), which generally requires all…
トランプ大統領発表の「アメリカ再開(Opening Up America Again)ガイドライン」の下での事業再開ガイドライン【Part 2】
概要 2020年4月16日(木)、トランプ大統領は、「アメリカを再開させるためのガイドライン(Guidelines for Opening Up America Again)」(「本ガイドライン」)を発表しました。…
トランプ大統領発表の「アメリカ再開(Opening Up America Again)ガイドライン」の下での事業再開ガイドライン
概要 2020年4月16日(木)、トランプ大統領は、「アメリカを再開させるためのガイドライン(Guidelines for Opening Up America…
概要 2020年4月23日、イリノイ州のJ.B.プリツカー知事は、現在出されている「外出禁止令(stay-at-home…
概要 500人以下の従業員を雇用する中小企業が、米国中小企業庁(Small Business Administration)(「SBA」)の給与保護プログラム(Paycheck Protection…
Executive Summary On March 27, 2020, President Trump signed into law the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (“CARES…
Executive Summary Under the mandate of the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (H.R. 6201), the U.S. Treasury Department, the…
概要 ファミリーズ・ファースト・コロナウイルス対策法 (Families First Coronavirus Response Act (H.R. 6201))…
As every company confronts the coronavirus, their owners, officers, and human resource professionals are confronting a new landscape…
【Form I-9 就労資格証明書】 最新の書式が発表されました。
2019年1月31日、米国移民局(USCIS)は就労資格証明書(Form I-9)の新しい書式を公表しました(で閲覧・利用できます)。…
【2020年】カリフォルニア州における新たな雇用関連法 -同州所在の雇用主への影響
概要 カリフォルニア州では、今年から数々の雇用関連法が新たに施行されました。中でも下記の5つの法律は、カリフォルニア州に所在する雇用主にとって非常に重要となります。下記法律は、特に明記がない限り、2020年1月1日から施行されました。 …
概要 増田・舟井法律事務所の雇用/労働法/福利厚生部門は、2019年10月23日にウェビナーを開催した。ウェビナーでは、米国労働省が施行する新規則により、適用除外従業員(exempt…
Legalization of cannabis in many states for recreational and medicinal use is creating uncertainty for many employers. Can an employer have…
概要 退職合意書(severance agreement)は、各社が使用している「雇用法ツールキット」の中でも、極めて重要なツールである。…
著者: エイサ・マーケル 共著者: 美保 リー (ロー・クラーク) 概要 カリフォルニア州の公正雇用住宅法(Fair Employment and Housing…
Employers May Not Delay Designating FMLA Leave or Expand FMLA's 12-week Statutory Entitlement, DOL Says
Executive Summary The Wage and Hour Division of the U.S. Department of Labor (“WHD”) recently released an opinion letter addressing…
Are You Ready for the Michigan Paid Medical Leave Act?
Executive Summary Outgoing Michigan Governor Rick Snyder signed into law the Michigan Paid Medical Leave Act (the “Act”) in December…
Drafting Mistakes Sink an Arbitration Agreement
Executive Summary Clients are contacting our Firm to draft arbitration agreements for their employees. Some clients are finding sample…
Make Sure Your Arbitration Agreement is Enforceable
Executive Summary After last year's Supreme Court's ruling approving arbitration agreements, many companies are requiring its…
Illinois Supreme Court Issues Ruling in Landmark Biometric Information Privacy Case
Executive Summary The Illinois Supreme Court's recent ruling that actual harm is not required to establish a cause of action for a…
Termination of "Startled" Employee After Supervisor Expressed Desire to Strangle Her Was Not Wrongful
Executive Summary Under the Americans With Disability Act (“ADA”), an employer can be liable for failure to accommodate a qualified…
The Department of Labor is Reviewing Your 401(k) Form 5500 and Encouraging Voluntary Correction
Executive Summary 401(k) plan sponsors are receiving letters from the U.S. Department of Labor’s (“DOL”) Employee Benefits Security…
California Law: Non-Hire Clauses in a Land Without Non-Competes
Executive Summary By now, many HR professionals are aware that §16600 of the California Business and Professions Code expressly…
Author: Asa Markel Co-Author: Miho Lee (Law Clerk) [概要] …
United States Supreme Court to Continue String of Arbitration Related Decisions
The United States Supreme Court remains active during this fall’s term in determining employers’ rights and obligations when companies…
[概要] 2018年6月28日、カリフォルニア州議会により、カリフォルニア州消費者プライバシー法(California Consumer Privacy Act of…
Trimming the Employer's Arguments, the Seventh Circuit Upholds Claim of Male-on-Male Harassment under Title VII
Executive Summary While there have been cases where conduct was found to be “sexual horseplay” that could give rise to tort liability…
米国で資産を買収する際には、通常の場合、承継会社の責任(successor liability)が生じ得る4つの主要分野がある。これらの分野とは、当職らの間で「承継会社の責任に関する4E」(各分野の頭文字がEで始まるため)と呼んでいる、すなわち(1) 雇用…
[概要] カリフォルニア州控訴裁判所で下されたShine対Williams-Sonoma事件の判決により、従業員に支払われる労働賃金に関する全請求は、1回のクラスアクションで申し立てるべきであり、かかる訴訟の和解合意書で言及される「すべての請求(all…
Insurance Carrier Certificates of Insurance Do Not Meet the Content Requirements for a Summary Plan Description
Executive Summary The Employee Retirement Income Security Act (“ERISA”) requires that most employee benefit plans automatically…
Non-Compete Found so Overbroad as to be Unenforceable and Unfixable
Executive Summary Recently, a former employer sought injunctive relief against a former executive whom it claimed had violated his…
執筆者: エイサ・マーケル (弁護士) 共同執筆者: リー 美保 (ロー・クラーク) カリフォルニア州最高裁判所は今年3月、残業手当の計算方法に誤りがあったとして従業員が雇用主を訴えていたケースで、雇用主による控訴を退けた(Alvarado v. Dart Container…
DOJ Announces First-of-its-Kind Settlement Regarding "No-Poach" Agreement
On April 3, 2018, the Antitrust Division of the U.S. Department of Justice (“DOJ”) announced that it filed a civil antitrust lawsuit…
Advisory Council on Employee Welfare and Pension Benefits Provides Report on Plan Notices and Disclosures
In November 2017, the Advisory Council on Employee Welfare and Pension Benefit Plans (the “Council”) issued a report to the Department of…
U.S. Supreme Court Announces New Standard for Interpreting FLSA Exemptions
Executive Summary Rejecting a ruling by the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit and nearly fifty years of prior court…
401(k) Service Providers Owe No Fiduciary Duty with Respect to Negotiating Their Fee Compensation
Executive Summary Following the findings expressed in three other Circuits, the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit…
New Rules for Drafting Employee Handbooks
As one of its first rulings sweeping aside decisions by President Obama’s National Labor Relations Board (“Labor Board”), President Trump’s…
Terminated CEO's Complaints to the Board Not Protected "Whistleblowing" As No Requirement Under Federal Law to Report Every "Managerial Hiccup"
Executive Summary The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 forbids publically traded companies from retaliating against an employee for any…
2018 ELBG Webinar Series
Masuda Funai is pleased to announce our 2018 Webinar Series, entitled “The Employment Life of Robert Rightman.” In four, one-hour long…
BENEFITS EDGE "Information is Power": IRS Starting to Send Penalty Notices Under the Affordable Care Act
Employment, Labor & Benefits Update - November 2017
Update on the Overtime Rule By Frank Del Barto On Monday, October 30, 2017, the U.S. Department of Labor ("DOL") announced plans "to…
Employment, Labor & Benefits Update - October 2017
Message from the Chair On behalf of the Employment, Labor & Benefits Practice Group, I want to thank all clients and friends who attended…
Employment, Labor & Benefits Update - September 2017
Salaried Non-Exempt Employees Can Create Risk By Frank Del Barto Recently, the U.S. Department of Labor's ("DOL") Wage and Hour Division…
Employment, Labor & Benefits Update - August 2017
SAVE THE DATE: September 28, 2017 - Annual Seminar On Thursday, September 28, 2017, the Employment, Labor and Benefits group will hold its…
Employment, Labor & Benefits Update - July 2017
SAVE THE DATE: September 28, 2017 - Annual Seminar On Thursday, September 28, 2017, the Employment, Labor and Benefits group will hold its…
Employment, Labor & Benefits Update - June 2017
Masuda Funai's Attorneys Speak on Employment and Benefits Matters Advertised in Crain's Chicago Business, Alan M. Kaplan and Frank J. Del…
Employment, Labor & Benefits Update - April 2017
Discrimination: Chicago Appellate Court Rules that Sexual Orientation is Sex Discrimination By Alan M. Kaplan After the United States…
Employer Outsmarts Itself and Loses Over $5 Million
Juanita Berry worked as Vice President of Major Accounts for Telamon Corporation, an Indiana telecommunications company. Using her…
Employment, Labor & Benefits Update - March 2017
IRS Publishes Substantiation Guidance for 401(k) Hardship Distributions By Frank J. Del Barto On February 23, 2017, the Acting Director of…
Employment, Labor & Benefits Update - February 2017
Annual Seminar Reminder MFEM's Immigration Group will hold its 2017 Annual Immigration Law Update Seminar on Friday, February 24, 2017, at…
Employment, Labor & Benefits Update - January 2017
Wage and Hour - All Of Our Employees Are Paid A Salary By Frank J. Del Barto As we begin 2017, it is often valuable to review lessons…
Employment, Labor & Benefits Update - December 2016
Upcoming Webinar In January, we will present a complimentary webinar entitled "Post-Election HR Management Outlook." We plan to discuss a…
BREAKING NEWS – Court Grants Nationwide Injunction Enjoining Implementation and Enforcement of Final Salary Level Rule
Executive Summary In a potentially disruptive decision, Judge Amos L. Mazzant issued a preliminary injunction that prevents the Department…
Employment, Labor & Benefits Update - November 2016
Human Resources Professionals Beware - Antitrust Laws Don't Just Apply to Sales Terms By Nancy E. Sasamoto Your company has trained your…
Employment, Labor & Benefits Update - September 2016
Important Developments in Illinois Employment, Labor and Benefits Law By Frank Del Barto Illinois Employee Sick Leave Act Expands Usage…
Employment, Labor & Benefits Update - August 2016
The Seventh Circuit Affirms: No Federal Protection from Sexual Orientation Discrimination Without Action by the U.S. Supreme Court or…
Employment, Labor & Benefits Update - June 2016
Department of Labor Releases Final Rule Increasing Salary Level Required for White-Collar Exemptions under the Fair Labor Standards Act By…
Employment, Labor & Benefits Update - May 2016
New Act, New Remedies: DTSA To Provide Additional Protection for Trade Secret Owners and Whistleblowers By Nancy Sasamoto With President…
Employment, Labor & Benefits Update - April 2016
California Supreme Court Delivers Good News for Employers With Respect to Arbitration Agreements By Jiwon Juliana Yhee Plaintiff Maribel…
Employment, Labor & Benefits Update - March 2016
Health Care Reform: Reducing Employee Hours to Avoid the ACA is No Game By Frank Del Barto On February 9, 2016, the U.S. District Court for…
Employment, Labor & Benefits Update - February 2016
Employment – New Guidance Makes Clear That DOL Will Look For, and Likely Find Joint Employment Under FLSA By Nancy Sasamoto Last July…
Employment, Labor & Benefits Update - January 2016
Employment – A Limitation on the Enforceability of Forum-Selection Clauses in California By Jiwon Juliana Yhee Executive Summary: In…
Employment, Labor & Benefits Update - December 2015
Employment – Overtime Rule to Be Finalized in July 2016 By Frank J. Del Barto In August 2015, we reported that the U.S. Department of Labor…
If You Have 50 or More Employees (or Full-Time Equivalents) or You Are Self-Insured, You Must Report Certain Information To The IRS and…
Employment, Labor & Benefits Update - October 2015
Employment—Reliance on E-law Website May Support Finding of Willfulness Under the FLSA By Jiwon Juliana Yhee In Miles v. HSC-Hopson…
Do You Need the Ever Ready Anti-Union Campaign?
Does your company employ 2 or more employees? Have there been issues with paychecks? Supervisors? Anger about policy changes? Is there a…
Proposed Rule Would Require Overtime Pay For All Workers Earning Less Than $50,440 Per Year
Executive Summary: The U.S. Department of Labor ("DOL") issued a Proposed Rule that seeks to increase the salary level required for an…
Noncompete Unenforceable Where Employee Worked Less Than 2 Years
Executive Summary: Many companies utilize noncompete agreements to prevent former employees from going to work for a competitor. For a…
Fiduciaries Have a Continuing Duty to Monitor 401(k) Plan
Executive Summary: Recently, the U.S. Supreme Court confirmed in unanimous decision (9-0) that 401(k) plan fiduciaries have a continuing…
U.S. Supreme Court Unanimously Vacates and Remands Case Due to EEOC's Lack of Conciliation Efforts
Executive Summary: Before suing an employer for discrimination, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission ("EEOC") must try to remedy…
Understanding the Process: A Guide to the National Labor Relations Act
Executive Summary: More and more, the National Labor Relations Board is becoming an important government agency for companies whose…
Workers' Compensation and COBRA Coverage: The Forgotten Employer Obligation
Executive Summary: Employers fail to offer COBRA continuation notices to qualified beneficiaries for any number of reasons. However, with…
Employee Handbooks Must be Updated to Comply with Illinois and/or California Laws
Executive Summary: New Illinois and California laws require most companies to post new notices and draft new policies for their employee…
Have You Implemented the Ever Ready Anti-Union Campaign?™
The National Labor Relations Board has issued final regulations helping unions to organize employees faster and easier. The regulations…
EEOC's Failure to Engage in Conciliation Results in Dismissal of the CVS Case
As we discussed at our Annual Employment, Labor and Benefits Seminar on October 2, recently, the EEOC has been attacking severance…
Japanese Parent May Be Jointly Liable with its Subsidiary
Todd Brown worked in the New Business Development Group for Daikin America, Inc. ("DAI"), a wholly owned subsidiary of Daikin Industries…
Insurance Premium Rebates, Can The Company Keep The Money?
Maybe. Recently, several clients have received large premium rebate checks from their group health insurance company and have asked for…
Questions From Our Clients
Q: Do I violate criminal law by not correctly implementing the Illinois Conceal Carry Law? A: No. The law is a criminal statute directed at…
FMLA: Caring for an Adult Child
Recently, the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit reminded us that the Family and Medical Leave Act ("FMLA") provides…
ERISA: ESOP Fiduciaries Are Not Entitled to a "Presumption of Prudence"
Last week, in one of its final opinions of the term, the Supreme Court of the United States (the "Court") held that ESOP fiduciary…
ERISA: Delinquent Form 5500 Filers Must Also File With the IRS
Plan sponsors who fail to file Form 5500 annual reports are subject to penalties under ERISA and the Internal Revenue Code (the "Code")…
Updated Model COBRA Forms Highlight ACA Marketplace Options
On May 7, 2014, the U.S. Department of Labor issued proposed regulations to revise the COBRA Notice requirements t`o reflect the changes…
Site Selection and Union Avoidance
ABC Manufacturing Co. had a choice to build its American factory in either Illinois or Indiana. It selected Columbus, Indiana, believing…
IRS Issues Guidance on Same-Sex Marriages for Qualified Plans
At long last, on April 4, 2014, nearly 10 months after the U.S. Supreme Court decision in United States v. Windsor, the IRS has released…
Is the EEOC Confused?
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission ("EEOC") appears to be giving cross-signals. The EEOC is the agency of the federal government…
How Northwestern University Has Reacted to the NLRB's Decision and What May Happen
[Editor's Note: Alan is both a graduate of Northwestern University and a former hearing officer and prosecuting attorney in Chicago's…
EEOC Attacks Severance Agreements
Every year, employers should audit their employment agreements, especially the separation, settlement and severance agreements they use…
Health Care Reform: More Changes Issued
On Monday, February 10, 2014, the IRS issued final regulations relating to the employer mandate. Currently, Masuda Funai is reviewing the…
No-Gossip Policy Violates Federal Law
Gossip is a terribly destructive action by employees and hurts morale and productivity. As a result, employers properly want to restrict…
Failing to File a Form 5500 Annual Report
Generally, 401(k) plan sponsors must file a Form 5500 Annual Report by the last day of the seventh month after the plan year ends using the…
I Am Reluctant to Call My Lawyer
Across the country, clients are increasingly reluctant to call their lawyers because of the high costs associated with the delivery of…
The Top 6 Employment Challenges of 2014
Are companies ready for 2014? Last year, we saw several significant changes and reminders to lessen the risks of suit. Here is our list of…
Obamacare: We Received a Check From Our Insurance Company. Can We Keep The Money?
On March 23, 2010, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act ("PPACA") added Section 2718 to the Public Health Services Act ("PHSA")…
Mergers & Acquisitions – Union Due Diligence
[Editor's Note: Mr. Kaplan was a prosecuting attorney and hearing officer at the National Labor Relations Board prior to joining Masuda…
California – Substantial Motiving Reasons for Discrimination
On August 21, 2013, California's Second District Appellate Court ruled that the proper standard of causation is whether discrimination or…
Ten Steps to Avoid Liability in Terminations
[Editor's Note] Alan M. Kaplan and Frank J. Del Barto gave a joint presentation to HRoundtable, a networking group for human resource…
Chicago Man Stabs Union Rat Balloon
Source: Daily Herald – July 12, 2013 When unions want to inform the public of a dispute with a company, they are increasingly using giant…
Illinois Enacts Concealed Carry Employment Policies
Now that Illinois has enacted a concealed carry law, a number of clients have asked for policies regarding their employees and visitors…
Illinois Legalizes the Possession of a Concealed Handgun
Executive Summary On July 9, 2013, Public Act 98-63, The Firearm Concealed Carry Act (the "Act") became law. With its passage, Illinois…
UNIONS: Unlocking the Mystery of Right-to-Work Laws
When companies select a site to locate in the United States, one of the considerations is union avoidance. Many companies want to locate in…
Reminder:First PCORI Fee Due July 31, 2013 For Calendar Year Plans
The Affordable Care Act ("ACA") imposed a new fee on plan sponsors and issuers of individual and group policies to fund the…
Workplace Investigations – When May a Company Require Confidentiality?
An employee complains about sexual harassment. Another employee is accused of embezzlement. At the end of their conversations with the…
California Employment Law: Anatomy of a Court of Appeal Case
Employment law changes through two primary methods: legislation and appellate court decisions. However, reading and interpreting either a…
Form I-9: New Form Issued and Must Be Used
The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) released a new version of the Employment Eligibility Verification Form I-9. Prior…
Reasonable Accommodations for Employees with Multiple Sclerosis - What Does the Law Require?
With an estimated 400,000 people diagnosed with multiple sclerosis ("MS") in the United States, it is not surprising that legal issues have…
WAGE & HOUR – Compensatory Time Off: Mistakes and Solutions
Some companies do not want to pay overtime to their California employees when they work more than 40 hours in a work week or more than 8…
FLSA: Buyer of Assets Beware – Or You Might Get "Teed" Off
The purchaser of a company's assets has been held liable for the company's alleged violations of the Fair Labor Standards Act by virtue of…
California: Payment of Final Pay
The United States is unique in the developed world in allowing businesses to hire workers on an at-will basis. This at-will employment…
Illinois: Report from Springfield, Illinois
The Illinois House of Representatives and Senate committees have now approved the following bills, which will impact all employers in…
California: Employers Can Defend Findings of Discrimination by Proving Separate Legitimate Reasons
In its recent decision in Harris v. City of Santa Monica, No. S181004 (Cal. Feb. 7, 2013), the California Supreme Court held that the…
FMLA: There Is No Such Thing as FMLA Light Duty
Recently, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit affirmed summary judgment for the employer in a case where an employee filed suit…
Report from Springfield and Government Agencies
In Springfield The Illinois State Legislature will be considering several employment laws. The Workplace Violence Prevention Act allows…
U.S. Department of Labor Is Investigating Group Health Insurance Plans
1. The DOL Is Conducting Plan Audits. Recently, a client received a letter from the U.S. Department of Labor ("DOL") notifying them that…
401(k) Plan Corrections – Can Your Company Benefit From the New IRS Guidance?
On December 31, 2012, the Internal Revenue Service ("IRS") issued Revenue Procedure 2013-12. This new Revenue Procedure modifies and…
UNIONS – A Fundamental Lesson Verified
Back in the 1980's, in a union election at a private mail carrier, the employees petitioned the National Labor Relations Board for an…
Delinquent Filer Voluntary Compliance Program Updated
On Monday, January 28, 2013, the U.S. Department of Labor ("DOL") announced technical updates to its Delinquent Filer Voluntary Compliance…
Employment Advisory: IRS Issues Proposed Regulations on Employer Shared Responsibility Under the Affordable Care Act
IRS Issues Proposed Regulations on Employer Shared Responsibility Under the Affordable Care Act: What Employers Need to Know The IRS has…
CALIFORNIA – 2013 Changes to California's Employment Laws
Employers will need to comply with at least six new laws for their California-based employees beginning in January 2013: AB2103: Salaried…
UNIONS – Michigan Becomes a Right-to-Work State
Michigan has now joined Indiana and 22 mostly southern states in becoming a right-to-work state. Seen by most as a knife in the heart of…
SEX DISCRIMINATION – Termination for Being Too Attractive Not Sex Discrimination
On December 21, 2012, the Iowa Supreme Court dismissed a case filed by Melissa Nelson, whom the Court described as an "irresistibly…
AGENDA: 8:00-8:30 am - Registration and Breakfast 8:30-11:45 am - Presentations Continental breakfast will be provided TOPICS: Federal and…
米国雇用法ウェビナー<無料>「米国障害者法(ADA)― 障害を持つ従業員への合理的配慮義務とは」(使用言語:英語)
Frank Del Barto The Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”) requires private employers with fifteen or more employees to…
AGENDA: 8:00-8:30 am - Registration and Breakfast 8:30-11:45 am - Presentations Continental breakfast will be provided TOPICS: What You May…
米国雇用法ウェビナー<無料>「機密情報・営業秘密の保護 - 雇用主のためのベストプラクティス」(使用言語:英語)
Kevin Borozan Confidential information is a valuable business asset and protecting your company’s confidential information should…
Complimentary Employment Webinar: Employee Terminations
Frank Del Barto As the first quarter of 2023 comes to a close, many national companies have started to announce significant…
米国雇用法ウェビナー<無料>「独立請負人(Independent Contractor)とは?」(使用言語:英語)
Frank Del Barto Federal and State agencies continue to focus on the improper classification of employees as independent…
AGENDA: 8:00 am - Registration and Breakfast 8:30-11:30 am - Presentations Continental breakfast will be provided TOPICS: What you may…
Frank Del Barto During this webinar, we will review the legal requirements for a safe workplace, consider the issues…
Frank Del Barto In part 2 of this series, the following major audit/due diligence areas will be reviewed and recommendations…
イリノイ州の雇用主は、2022年1月1日以降、従業員との競業避止および勧誘禁止の合意において大幅な制限を受けることになります。2021年8月13日、イリノイ州のJ.B.プリツカー知事は、イリノイ州働く自由法(Illinois Freedom to Work…
Artificial intelligence is changing human resource functions. Illinois enacted the Artificial Intelligence Video Interview Act. That…
On April 14, 2021, for the first time, the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employee Benefits Security Administration (“EBSA”) issued…
米国雇用法ウェビナー<無料>2021年米国経済救済計画法(American Rescue Plan Act)ー 雇用および福利厚生における検討事項(使用言語:英語)
On March 11, 2021, President Biden signed into law the American Rescue Plan Act (“ARPA”). ARPA contains several important employment and…
On September 17, 2020, California Governor Newsom signed SB 1383 into law significantly expanding eligibility for family care and medical…
The Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (“CARES”) Act was signed into law on March 27, 2020. In this virtual seminar, Jennifer…
During the COVID-19 pandemic several employees, required to return to work, were social distancing in the lunchroom and started a…
The COVID-19 pandemic and resulting economic complications have impacted employees and management in numerous ways. In response, the…
The Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (“CARES Act”) provided 401(k) plan sponsors the option to adopt enhanced plan loan…
米国雇用法ウェビナー<無料>新型コロナウイルス感染症対策として急速に普及した在宅勤務 -リモートワーク制度導入のポイントとは(使用言語:英語)
In March, many employees were sent home to work remotely with little notice or advance planning. In response, many employees have performed…
Recently, President Trump unveiled "Guidelines for Opening Up America Again." The Guidelines are designed to help state and local officials…
米国における解雇、レイオフ(一時解雇)および 人員削減に関するウェビナー<無料>
2019 Annual Complimentary Employment, Labor & Benefits Seminar
8:00 am - Registration and Breakfast 8:30-11:30 am - Presentations Continental breakfast will be provided Please join us to learn more…
米国雇用法ウェビナー<無料>(使用言語:英語)Complimentary Webinar: Employment Documentation - Is it Your Best Friend or Your Worst Enemy?
Solid employment documentation—that you can actually locate when needed—is crucial to a Company's success. Employment documentation…
Complimentary Webinar: Updating Employment Procedures and Policies to Comply with 2019 Laws
What are emerging employment law trends and key challenges that businesses will face in 2019? Learn how these new changes may affect your…
米国雇用法ウェビナー<無料> 基礎知識・現状・今後の傾向
Complimentary Webinar: Successful Recruiting for German Subsidiaries in the U.S. Market
During the webinar, the experienced Recruiting Services team at GACC Midwest will address intercultural differences in the recruitment…
Complimentary Webinar: Terminations and Post-Employment Issues
Join us for the final part of The Employment Life of Robert Rightman. Although Robert has been employed at National Industrial Corporation…
2018 Annual Complimentary Employment, Labor & Benefits Seminar
8:00 am - Registration and Breakfast 8:30-11:30 am - Presentations Continental breakfast will be provided
Complimentary Webinar - Social Media: Don't Let it Tangle Your Company in a Web of Liability
. . Did you know that close to half of the world’s population are on some type of social media? It is not a matter of IF, but WHEN your…
Complimentary Webinar: Performance Management, Rights and Responsibilities
Join us for Part 3 of The Employment Life of Robert Rightman. After his hiring and after determining his wages, hours and benefits…
Wages, Hours & Benefits Webinar
Masuda Funai is pleased to announce the second part of our 2018 Webinar Series, entitled “The Employment Life of Robert Rightman.” After…
Recruitment, Hiring & New Employee Orientation Webinar
Recruitment, Hiring & New Employee Orientation Should the company classify the new worker as an employee or independent contractor? What…
2017 Employment, Labor & Benefits Group Complimentary Seminar
EMPLOYMENT, LABOR & BENEFITS GROUP COMPLIMENTARY SEMINAR Continental breakfast will be provided. Topics: The Trump Administration's…
ご登録ページ ご質問は、 または312.245.7500まで。
2016 Annual Complimentary Employment, Labor & Benefits Seminar
2016 ANNUAL EMPLOYMENT, LABOR & BENEFITS LAW SEMINAR Continental breakfast will be provided. TOPICS: Employee Benefits Update Avoiding…
Webinar: 401(k) Plan Excessive Fee Lawsuits - Reducing Your Risk
Webinar: 401(k) Plan Excessive Fee Lawsuits Reducing Your Risk Frank Del Barto will review the current 401(k) excessive fee litigation…
Wage and Hour Webinar: Final Salary Level Rule Released - Its Implications for Your Company
Wage and Hour Webinar: Final Salary Level Rule Released - Its Implications for Your Company On Wednesday, May 18, 2016, the U.S…
Wage and Hour Webinar: Planning for the Release of the Final Rule
Wage and Hour Webinar: Planning for the Final Rule Join Frank Del Barto and Jiwon Yhee of Masuda Funai's Employment, Labor & Benefits Group…
2015 Annual Complimentary Employment, Labor & Benefits Seminar
2015 ANNUAL EMPLOYMENT, LABOR & BENEFITS LAW SEMINAR Challenges in 2015 and Beyond Continental breakfast will be provided. TOPICS: …
Employment Webinar: January 20, 2015
The National Labor Relations Board has issued its "Ambush Election" rules. Has your company implemented the Ever Ready Anti-Union…
Masuda, Funai, Eifert & Mitchell, Ltd. hosted its annual Employment Seminar on Thursday, September 19, 2024, at the DoubleTree Hotel in…
On September 21, 2023, Masuda Funai held its Annual Employment Seminar at the DoubleTree by Hilton in Arlington Heights, IL. This…
Masuda, Funai, Eifert & Mitchell, Ltd. hosted its annual Employment Seminar on Thursday, September 22, 2022. Approximately 96 executives…
フランク・デルバルト弁護士が、Illinois CPA Society主催の従業員福利厚生カンファレンス(サイマル放送にて開催)で講演しました。
On May 12, Frank Del Barto, Chair of Masuda Funai’s Employment, Labor & Benefits Group, presented at the Illinois CPA Society’s (ICPAS)…
The article "Setting Up the New HR Department at Your New U.S. Subsidiary" is featured in the March 2020 German American Chamber of…
アラン・キャプラン弁護士が、「MUFG BizBuddy」に寄稿しました。
The article "Are You Using the Correct Severance Agreements?" featured on BizBuddy’s website addresses the challenges of creating a…
Masuda, Funai, Eifert & Mitchell, Ltd. hosted its annual Employment Seminar on Thursday, September 26, 2019. Approximately 110 executives…
ミラー 山田 幸代弁護士が、「MUFG BizBuddy」に寄稿しました。
The article entitled "Non-Solicitation of Employees" featured on BizBuddy’s website discussed recent California cases wherein employee…
リサ・ドレッシュメイヤー弁護士が、North Suburban Cook County American Job Centerで開催された雇用主のためのワークショップにおいて講師を務めました。
On February 6, 2019, Lisa Dreishmire, Senior Associate in Masuda Funai’s Employment Group, spoke at the North Suburban Cook County American…
ミラー 山田 幸代弁護士が、南加日米協会主催のセミナー(2019年1月25日開催予定)で講師を務めます。
雇用法/労働/福利厚生部門のミラー 山田 幸代弁護士が、2019年1月25日(金)にカリフォルニア州トーランス市で南加日米協会(Japan America Society of Southern…
Masuda, Funai, Eifert & Mitchell, Ltd. hosted its annual Employment Seminar on Thursday, September 27, 2018. Approximately 120 executives…
Masuda Funai Hosts Northern Ireland Delegation
Masuda, Funai, Eifert & Mitchell Ltd. hosted the Northern Ireland Delegation on April 16, 2018 as part of its ABC Mission visit to Chicago…
Chapter: "Practical and Legal Considerations Prior to Conducting the Audit" - Illinois Institute for Continuing Legal Education's (IICLE) award-winning handbook, Conducting the Employment Practices Audit
"Managing the Risks of Implementing Cost Savings in a Challenging Economy" - Illinois State Bar Association: The Counselor Section, co-authored with Frank J. Del Barto (Published in both English and Japanese), April 2011