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デルバルト弁護士は、雇用/労働法/福利厚生の分野で豊富な経験を有し、従業員の雇用から、従業員福利制度、退職プランまで、あらゆる問題について経営幹部および人事担当マネージャーにアドバイスする。日系企業を含む国内外のクライアント企業は、デルバルト弁護士のビジネスセンスに富んだ判断力と実践的な見解を高く評価している。クライアントにとって障害となり得る複雑な問題の解決策を探り、クライアントにとって実行可能な重要事項を決定できるように導く。問題解決能力にも長けたデルバルト弁護士は、クライアントから深い信頼を得ている。イリノイ州「Rising Star」(7年連続)および「Super Lawyers」(2022年度)に選出されている。


さらに、雇用差別、家族介護休業法、賃金・労働時間必須要項、従業員分類問題、訴訟リスクの回避戦略などについても経営幹部に助言する。ほかにも、雇用契約、離職契約、請負契約および従業員規則について交渉し、契約書やハンドブックを作成する。米国雇用均等委員会(EEOC)、イリノイ州人権保護局(Illinois Department of Human Rights)、イリノイ州職業安定局(Illinois Department of Employment Security)またはイリノイ州労働省(Illinois Department of Labor)における紛争解決が必要な場合、または連邦・州裁判所で、雇用や賃金に関する訴訟手続きが行われる場合に、クライアントを代理し、有利な結果に導いている。

また、デルバルト弁護士は、従業員退職所得保障法(ERISA)に関する問題、包括予算調整法(COBRA)に基づく手続や管理、および様々な従業員福利制度における報告・開示・遵守義務に関しても企業のマネジメントに助言する。米国労働省による法令順守の監査および401(k)プランのForm 5500申告に関する審査についても経験を有する。企業にとって退職金制度の維持と遵守がますます複雑になっているため、内国歳入庁(IRS)における401(k)プランの煩雑な修正手続きについてもマネジメントを支援し、同プランの管理を改善し、プラン導入の際に生じ得る責任を軽減するために、プラン委員会の形成と運営についてもアドバイスしている。


陸軍将校を務めた経験があり、陸軍空挺レンジャースクールを卒業したデルバルト弁護士は、退役軍人を対象とした無料弁護活動(Pro Bono Service)に精力的に取り組んでいる。退役軍人省において退役軍人とその扶養家族を代理し、身体傷害補償を請求したり、または軍務関連障害に対する補償金の支払が拒否された場合に受給資格を訴えたりするなど、退役軍人と扶養家族が保障を受けられるように援助している。デルバルト弁護士自身が退役軍人であるため、軍務により負傷した退役軍人らが補償を受けられるように積極的な支援を行っている。退役軍人に無料法律サービスを提供してきたデルバルト弁護士のたゆまぬ貢献が認められ、イリノイ州最高裁判所を含め複数の機関から賞が授与された。また2020年クレインズ・シカゴ・ビジネス誌は、デルバルト弁護士の退役軍人に対する献身を称賛し、「注目に値する退役軍人エグゼクティブ」に選出した。



  • ジョン・マーシャル・ロー・スクール卒業, (2007年J.D.およびLL.M.(雇用手当法専攻法学修士)取得, 優秀賞)
  • バージニア陸軍士官学校卒業, (1987年B.A.取得)


  • イリノイ州弁護士資格
  • ミシガン州弁護士資格
  • 連邦地方裁判所イリノイ州南部地区活動資格
  • 連邦地方裁判所イリノイ州北部地区活動資格
  • 合衆国退役軍人請求控訴裁判所


  • 英語


テネシー州の製造会社の元従業員が、連邦賃金・時給問題に関する雇用主としての連帯責任を追求してオハイオ州にある姉妹会社と共に、同製造会社を訴えた際に、製造会社を代理した。オハイオ州の会社に対する請求は却下され、集合訴訟(collective action)が承認される前にテネシー州の製造会社に対する訴えについても和解を成立させた。


401(k)プランにおける給与天引き支払、制度への加入資格、繰延額およびローン運営上の瑕疵が、内国歳入庁のEmployee Plans Compliance Resolution Systemによって治癒されるように、是正願いを申し出て対処した。




イリノイ州雇用対策課(Illinois Department of Employment Security)で行われた失業保険金請求に関する審理でクライアントを代理し、有利な裁定を得た。




ほとんどの先進国には、児童労働を規制する法律があります。多くの企業では、児童労働の禁止だけでなく、人権を尊重する義務に言及する行動規範を定めています。 米国では、労働省(「DOL」)が管轄する公正労働基準法(Fair Labor Standards…
On February 5, 2024, a class action complaint [link] was filed against Johnson and Johnson (“J&J”), its Pension and Benefits Committee, and…
Recently, the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit vacated a district court’s grant of partial summary judgment when it…
On January 26, 2023, the Michigan Court of Appeals reversed the July 19, 2022, opinion and order of the Michigan Court of Claims that held…
On Tuesday, September 27, 2022, California Governor Gavin Newsom signed SB 1162 into law. In addition to new pay data reporting…
The most important form in all of employee benefits is an individual employee’s life insurance and/or 401(k) plan beneficiary form(s). In…
Last Wednesday, we reported that the Michigan Court of Claims concluded that the “adopt-and-amend” process that the Michigan Legislature…
On July 19, 2022, the Michigan Court of Claims concluded that the “adopt-and-amend” process that the Michigan Legislature used to enact the…
Beginning May 7, 2022, employers in New York who monitor or otherwise intercept telephone conversations or transmissions, electronic email…
Many companies employ field service engineers/technicians who travel throughout the United States installing, maintaining, and repairing a…
For employers with employees in multiple states or cities, designing a uniform paid sick leave policy that treats all employees equally is…
When considering whether to approve an employee’s leave of absence request or upon learning that an employee will be away from work for an…
When employees separate from employment, companies generally remember to provide such employees with information about continuing their…
In late 2021 and early 2022, three issues affecting group health insurance became law. To ensure you remain in compliance, we have…
On Monday, January 24th, in a unanimous decision, the Supreme Court of the United States vacated and remanded Northwestern University’s…
During 2021, three issues demanded the attention of human resource professionals and management. In 2022, we expect these same three issues…
2022年1月13日、米国最高裁判所は、米国労働安全衛生局(OSHA)が100人以上の従業員を雇用する雇用主に対して定めた新型コロナウイルスワクチン接種および検査に関する緊急暫定基準(以下「ETS: Emergency Temporary…
On November 13, 2021, the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit (the “5th Circuit”) granted the petitioners’ motion for a…
Background: As we alerted you last Thursday, OSHA published its long-awaited COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing Emergency Temporary Standard…
Masuda Funai Employment Newsflash - OSHA Announces Vaccination Requirements for Employers With 100 or More Employees
Today, OSHA announced its long-awaited COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS). The ETS requires employers with…
The Illinois Workplace Transparency Act (“Act”) requires all companies with Illinois-based employees to provide sexual harassment…
Masuda Funai Employment Newsflash - Federal Contractor and Subcontractor Employees Must Be Vaccinated
On September 9, 2021, President Biden issued an Executive Order that requires federal contractor and subcontractor employees to be…
On July 9, 2021, President Biden issued an executive order that called on the Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission to…
On July 16, 2021, the Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) published Revenue Procedure 2021-30, which makes significant improvements to the…
従業員の退職金をサイバー犯罪から保護すること- それは、雇用主の責任です
【福利厚生フラッシュニュース】新COBRA助成金、2021年4月1日から2021年9月30日までのCOBRA保険料の100% 助成と従業員への通知義務
Assistance Eligible Individuals (“AEIs”) who elect COBRA continuation coverage do not pay any CORBA continuation premiums during the period…
【福利厚生フラッシュニュース】 新COBRA助成金、受給資格に関わる特別な通知要件
On March 11, 2021, President Biden signed The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (“ARPA”) into law. Among other employee benefit provisions…
【カリフォルニア州フラッシュニュース 】カリフォルニア州、企業に対し従業員への規定時間内の食事休憩時間の提供を義務付け
California employers must generally provide employees with one 30-minute meal period that begins no later than the end of the fifth hour of…
<更新版>【雇用法フラッシュニュース】企業による 従業員の生体認証情報の不適切使用への注意喚起
Companies are increasingly using employee fingerprints, hand scans, retina scans or facial recognition technology for timekeeping, as well…
【福利厚生フラッシュニュース】 福利厚生プランのPlan DocumentおよびSummary Plan Descriptionsの適切な管理
All companies, regardless of size, that sponsor a welfare plan (life, medical, dental, disability, vision, etc.) must ensure that (1) these…
As employees continue to work remotely, companies must ensure that employees are being reimbursed for business-related expenses, including…
Executive Summary Many human resources professionals administer their employer’s 401(k) plan (and health and welfare plans) and may…
Executive Summary On September 17, 2020, California Governor Newsom signed SB 1383 into law significantly expanding eligibility for…
トランプ大統領発表の「アメリカ再開(Opening Up America Again)ガイドライン」の下での事業再開ガイドライン【Part 5】
概要 2020年4月16日(木)、トランプ大統領は、「アメリカを再開させるためのガイドライン(Guidelines for Opening Up America Again)」(「本ガイドライン」)を発表しました。…
トランプ大統領発表の「アメリカ再開(Opening Up America Again)ガイドライン」の下での事業再開ガイドライン【Part 4】
概要 2020年4月16日(木)、トランプ大統領は、「アメリカを再開させるためのガイドライン(Guidelines for Opening Up America Again)」(「本ガイドライン」)を発表しました。…
Executive Summary Late yesterday afternoon Governor Pritzker issued Executive Order 2020-32 (“EO”), which generally requires all…
概要 ファミリーズ・ファースト・コロナウイルス対策法 (Families First Coronavirus Response Act (H.R. 6201))…
As every company confronts the coronavirus, their owners, officers, and human resource professionals are confronting a new landscape…
概要 増田・舟井法律事務所の雇用/労働法/福利厚生部門は、2019年10月23日にウェビナーを開催した。ウェビナーでは、米国労働省が施行する新規則により、適用除外従業員(exempt…
The Department of Labor is Reviewing Your 401(k) Form 5500 and Encouraging Voluntary Correction
Executive Summary 401(k) plan sponsors are receiving letters from the U.S. Department of Labor’s (“DOL”) Employee Benefits Security…
Insurance Carrier Certificates of Insurance Do Not Meet the Content Requirements for a Summary Plan Description
Executive Summary The Employee Retirement Income Security Act (“ERISA”) requires that most employee benefit plans automatically…
401(k) Service Providers Owe No Fiduciary Duty with Respect to Negotiating Their Fee Compensation
Executive Summary Following the findings expressed in three other Circuits, the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit…
Employment, Labor & Benefits Update - November 2017
Update on the Overtime Rule By Frank Del Barto On Monday, October 30, 2017, the U.S. Department of Labor ("DOL") announced plans "to…
Employment, Labor & Benefits Update - October 2017
Message from the Chair On behalf of the Employment, Labor & Benefits Practice Group, I want to thank all clients and friends who attended…
Employment, Labor & Benefits Update - September 2017
Salaried Non-Exempt Employees Can Create Risk By Frank Del Barto Recently, the U.S. Department of Labor's ("DOL") Wage and Hour Division…
Employment, Labor & Benefits Update - July 2017
SAVE THE DATE: September 28, 2017 - Annual Seminar On Thursday, September 28, 2017, the Employment, Labor and Benefits group will hold its…
Employment, Labor & Benefits Update - June 2017
Masuda Funai's Attorneys Speak on Employment and Benefits Matters Advertised in Crain's Chicago Business, Alan M. Kaplan and Frank J. Del…
Employment, Labor & Benefits Update - March 2017
IRS Publishes Substantiation Guidance for 401(k) Hardship Distributions By Frank J. Del Barto On February 23, 2017, the Acting Director of…
Employment, Labor & Benefits Update - February 2017
Annual Seminar Reminder MFEM's Immigration Group will hold its 2017 Annual Immigration Law Update Seminar on Friday, February 24, 2017, at…
Employment, Labor & Benefits Update - January 2017
Wage and Hour - All Of Our Employees Are Paid A Salary By Frank J. Del Barto As we begin 2017, it is often valuable to review lessons…
Employment, Labor & Benefits Update - December 2016
Upcoming Webinar In January, we will present a complimentary webinar entitled "Post-Election HR Management Outlook." We plan to discuss a…
Employment, Labor & Benefits Update - September 2016
Important Developments in Illinois Employment, Labor and Benefits Law By Frank Del Barto Illinois Employee Sick Leave Act Expands Usage…
Employment, Labor & Benefits Update - June 2016
Department of Labor Releases Final Rule Increasing Salary Level Required for White-Collar Exemptions under the Fair Labor Standards Act By…
Employment, Labor & Benefits Update - May 2016
New Act, New Remedies: DTSA To Provide Additional Protection for Trade Secret Owners and Whistleblowers By Nancy Sasamoto With President…
Employment, Labor & Benefits Update - March 2016
Health Care Reform: Reducing Employee Hours to Avoid the ACA is No Game By Frank Del Barto On February 9, 2016, the U.S. District Court for…
Employment, Labor & Benefits Update - January 2016
Employment – A Limitation on the Enforceability of Forum-Selection Clauses in California By Jiwon Juliana Yhee Executive Summary: In…
Illinois State Bar Association, "Due Diligence in Mergers & Acquisitions of a Non-Union Company: Top 10 Employment and Immigration Issues", October 6, 2022
GACC Virtual Midwest SME Forum 2020, "Cyber Security: Challenges for the Remote Workforce", August 12, 2020
Illinois CPA Society Employee Benefits Conference, "401(k) Plan Fee and ERISA Requirements," May 2020
Illinois CPA Society Employee Benefits Conference, "401(k) Plan Fee and Expense Litigation," May 2017
14th Annual Employee Benefits Symposium, "Overview of USERRA," May 2017
"Fiduciary Training 101 and Correcting with the IRS and DOL," December 2016
Japanese Mutual Aid Society, "Navigating the Veterans Benefits System," November 2016
SHRM Chapter: "Joint Employer Relationships, October 2016
SHRM Chapter: "The Salary Level Change, Planning and Implementing," September 2016
HRoundtable: "2016 Employment and Benefit Challenges," January 2016
米国雇用法ウェビナー<無料>「米国障害者法(ADA)― 障害を持つ従業員への合理的配慮義務とは」(使用言語:英語)
Frank Del Barto The Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”) requires private employers with fifteen or more employees to…
Complimentary Employment Webinar: Employee Terminations
Frank Del Barto As the first quarter of 2023 comes to a close, many national companies have started to announce significant…
米国雇用法ウェビナー<無料>「独立請負人(Independent Contractor)とは?」(使用言語:英語)
Frank Del Barto Federal and State agencies continue to focus on the improper classification of employees as independent…
Frank Del Barto During this webinar, we will review the legal requirements for a safe workplace, consider the issues…
On April 14, 2021, for the first time, the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employee Benefits Security Administration (“EBSA”) issued…
米国雇用法ウェビナー<無料>2021年米国経済救済計画法(American Rescue Plan Act)ー 雇用および福利厚生における検討事項(使用言語:英語)
On March 11, 2021, President Biden signed into law the American Rescue Plan Act (“ARPA”). ARPA contains several important employment and…
On September 17, 2020, California Governor Newsom signed SB 1383 into law significantly expanding eligibility for family care and medical…
The Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (“CARES”) Act was signed into law on March 27, 2020. In this virtual seminar, Jennifer…
The Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (“CARES Act”) provided 401(k) plan sponsors the option to adopt enhanced plan loan…
米国雇用法ウェビナー<無料>新型コロナウイルス感染症対策として急速に普及した在宅勤務 -リモートワーク制度導入のポイントとは(使用言語:英語)
In March, many employees were sent home to work remotely with little notice or advance planning. In response, many employees have performed…
Recently, President Trump unveiled "Guidelines for Opening Up America Again." The Guidelines are designed to help state and local officials…
Complimentary Webinar: Updating Employment Procedures and Policies to Comply with 2019 Laws
What are emerging employment law trends and key challenges that businesses will face in 2019? Learn how these new changes may affect your…
Complimentary Webinar: Successful Recruiting for German Subsidiaries in the U.S. Market
During the webinar, the experienced Recruiting Services team at GACC Midwest will address intercultural differences in the recruitment…
Complimentary Webinar: Terminations and Post-Employment Issues
Join us for the final part of The Employment Life of Robert Rightman. Although Robert has been employed at National Industrial Corporation…
Complimentary Webinar: Performance Management, Rights and Responsibilities
Join us for Part 3 of The Employment Life of Robert Rightman. After his hiring and after determining his wages, hours and benefits…
Wages, Hours & Benefits Webinar
Masuda Funai is pleased to announce the second part of our 2018 Webinar Series, entitled “The Employment Life of Robert Rightman.” After…
Recruitment, Hiring & New Employee Orientation Webinar
Recruitment, Hiring & New Employee Orientation Should the company classify the new worker as an employee or independent contractor? What…
2017 Employment, Labor & Benefits Group Complimentary Seminar
EMPLOYMENT, LABOR & BENEFITS GROUP COMPLIMENTARY SEMINAR Continental breakfast will be provided. Topics: The Trump Administration's…
Webinar: 401(k) Plan Excessive Fee Lawsuits - Reducing Your Risk
Webinar: 401(k) Plan Excessive Fee Lawsuits Reducing Your Risk Frank Del Barto will review the current 401(k) excessive fee litigation…
Wage and Hour Webinar: Planning for the Release of the Final Rule
Wage and Hour Webinar: Planning for the Final Rule Join Frank Del Barto and Jiwon Yhee of Masuda Funai's Employment, Labor & Benefits Group…
Masuda, Funai, Eifert & Mitchell, Ltd. hosted its annual Employment Seminar on Thursday, September 19, 2024, at the DoubleTree Hotel in…
Masuda Funai is proud to announce that one of its experienced employment and employee benefits attorneys, Frank Del Barto, has been quoted…
On September 21, 2023, Masuda Funai held its Annual Employment Seminar at the DoubleTree by Hilton in Arlington Heights, IL. This…
Masuda, Funai, Eifert & Mitchell, Ltd. hosted its annual Employment Seminar on Thursday, September 22, 2022. Approximately 96 executives…
Frank J. Del Barto and Reinhold F. Krammer, Principals of Masuda, Funai, Eifert & Mitchell Ltd., have been formally admitted to practice…
フランク・デルバルト弁護士が、Crain's Chicago Business発表の「2020年-兵役経験を有する注目すべきエグゼクティブ」に選ばれました。
Masuda, Funai, Eifert & Mitchell, Ltd. is pleased to announce that Frank Del Barto has been selected to Crain’s Chicago Business Notable…
フランク・デルバルト弁護士とジェニファー・ワトソン弁護士が、ドイツ・アメリカ商工会議所主催のVirtual Midwest SME Forum 2020でスピーカーを務めました。
On August 12, 2020, Frank Del Barto, Chair of Masuda Funai’s Employment, Labor & Benefits practice group and Jennifer Watson, Co-Chair of…
フランク・デルバルト弁護士が、Illinois CPA Society主催の従業員福利厚生カンファレンス(サイマル放送にて開催)で講演しました。
On May 12, Frank Del Barto, Chair of Masuda Funai’s Employment, Labor & Benefits Group, presented at the Illinois CPA Society’s (ICPAS)…
On November 20, 2019, Frank Del Barto, Ryu Fukuyama and Sachiyo Yamada Miller presented at a joint JETRO/JCCC seminar at Harper College…
Masuda, Funai, Eifert & Mitchell, Ltd. hosted its annual Employment Seminar on Thursday, September 26, 2019. Approximately 110 executives…
Masuda, Funai, Eifert & Mitchell, Ltd. hosted its annual Employment Seminar on Thursday, September 27, 2018. Approximately 120 executives…
Masuda Funai Provides Pro Bono Services for an 82-year old Army Veteran
On May 15, 2018, Masuda, Funai, Eifert & Mitchell, Ltd. prevailed on appeal and received a welcome decision from the Department of…
Litigation Snapshot 2017
Highlighting a Few of our Litigation Practice Group Successes Bankruptcy: Equipment Supplier’s Victory Against Bankrupt Debtor, December…
The U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois Awards Excellence in Pro Bono Service to Frank J. Del Barto and David J. Stein
PRESS RELEASE CHICAGO - Frank J. Del Barto and David J. Stein from Masuda, Funai, Eifert & Mitchell, Ltd. received awards for excellence…
"Protecting Employee Retirement Savings from Cyber Criminals" - BizBuddy, July 2021
"Opening Up Your Workplace Again – Part 4" - BizBuddy, May 2020
"Opening Up Your Workplace Again – Part 5" - BizBuddy, May 2020


  • クレインズ・シカゴ・ビジネス誌「注目に値する退役軍人エグゼクティブ」 (2020年度)
  • イリノイ州「Super Lawyers」 2022年度~2024年度 - (「Rising Star」 2011年度~2017年度)
  • 「Leading Lawyers - Emerging Lawyer」 2017年度
  • 連邦地方裁判所イリノイ州北部地区: 「無料法律相談サービス優秀賞」 2017年度
  • ジョン・マーシャル・ロースクール同窓会: 「退役軍人のための功労賞」 2013年度
  • イリノイ州最高裁判所: 「功労賞」 2009年度