Shinya Yamamoto serves as a liaison and counsel for Japanese companies operating in the U.S. market. Fluent in English and Japanese, he possesses deep business and cultural insight into Japanese operations and the factors driving commercial decisions. Shinya is dedicated to his clients' success and takes personal satisfaction in watching their businesses thrive.
As a member of Masuda Funai's Japan Resources Group in Michigan, Shinya specializes in representing Japan-based clients and his practice spans multiple sectors, including manufacturing, hospitality, pharmaceuticals, construction, electronics, transportation, gaming, and automotive. He collaborates closely with global business and legal advisors, particularly those from Japan, Canada, Mexico, Hong Kong, and the Philippines, to facilitate his clients' expansion into those markets.
Shinya's expertise extends across various legal domains, and he frequently conducts seminars in both the U.S. and Japan, covering commercial, real estate, and other legal issues pertinent to cross-border transactions and foreign investment.
From 2005 through 2024, Shinya served as the legal advisor to the Board of Directors of the Chicago Futabakai Japanese School, and he has represented the Office of the Consulate General of Japan in Chicago in real estate matters. In 2024, Shinya was appointed as a Legal Advisor to the Board of the Detroit Ringo Kai Japanese School.
Additionally, he gained valuable experience from his secondment to the Legal Department, International Law Division of JTEKT Corporation in Kariya, Aichi Prefecture. During his tenure, he actively contributed to diverse legal matters, including joint venture agreements, commercial leases, shareholder meetings, and employee training for foreign subsidiaries.