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Complimentary Commercial, Competition & Trade Webinar: Protecting Trade Secrets in the Digital Age



June 27, 2024
12:00 - 1 PM CDT


Online Webinar

          Kenton Knop         Joshua Wilson

Trade secrets are one of the most valuable assets for a business, but they can also be one of the most difficult types of confidential information to protect. This is especially true in today’s digitized business world, where maintaining proper IT security measures to protect confidential information is more important than ever. In some cases, having the right security measures and access controls in place can make the difference between having a protectable trade secret under federal and state law, and information having no legal protection at all.

Join Kenton Knop and Joshua Wilson, Attorneys at Law at Masuda Funai, in this complimentary webinar covering the following topics:

  • What is a Trade Secret?
  • How Trade Secrets are Different from Other Types of Confidential Information
  • Measures to Protect Trade Secrets
  • What Courts Look for When Upholding Trade Secret Protection
  • IT Security Best Practices to Protect Trade Secrets

Questions? Please call 312-245-7444 or email