Tim Hammersmith, Principal at Masuda Funai, co-authored the article, “Basic Fundamentals of Real Estate Ownership & Leasing in the United States in Comparison with the Laws of Japan,” for Business Houmu Magazine, a very well-known legal magazine in Japan published by Chuokeizaisha, that is widely read amongst Japanese attorneys and members of corporate legal departments.
The article that is to be segmented over four issues will be written in collaboration with Japanese attorneys of Matsuda & Partners and Okuno & Partners in Japan. The first segment, which discusses “Ownership of U.S. Real Estate”, was published in May 2023 issue, with the second segment whose topic is “Transfer of U.S. Real Estate Ownership Rights; Perfection” to follow in the July 2023 issue.
For more information and to subscribe to the upcoming issues, please visit https://www.chuokeizai.co.jp/bjh/archive/detail_009801.html.