Nonimmigrants frequently use the term visa to refer to everything from their immigration status to their immigration documents. However, using the term visa interchangeably with the Form I-94 and the Form I-797, or to refer to one’s immigration status, is incorrect. While the combination of these documents is often critical to establishing a nonimmigrant’s lawful stay in the U.S., they each work independently and serve a different purpose in the immigration process. Understanding the different role that each document plays is critical to ensure that the nonimmigrant maintains a clean immigration record, free of violations, at all times. In this webinar, you will learn what each document represents, how to define your immigration status and which expiration dates are important. In addition, you will also gain a better understanding of the various fields on immigration documents.

Hirokazu Kishinami
All sessions will be submitted for 60 minutes of HRCI and SHRM general recertification credit.
Questions? Please call 312-245-7500.
Masuda Funai is a full-service law firm with offices in Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles, and Schaumburg.