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Masuda Funai Employment Newsflash - Annual Sexual Harassment Prevention Training (SCHEDULING REMINDER)


The Illinois Workplace Transparency Act (“Act”) requires all companies with Illinois-based employees to provide sexual harassment prevention training on an annual basis. Many clients schedule this mandatory training in November, December, or January of each year. The training must include an explanation of sexual harassment, examples of conduct that constitutes unlawful sexual harassment, a summary of state and federal laws regarding sexual harassment and remedies, and the responsibilities of managers and supervisors to prevent, investigate and implement corrective measures. Companies can develop and present their own program that equals or exceeds the minimum standards. Although the Act only requires training on sexual harassment prevention, the Masuda Funai training module includes training on preventing bullying, power harassment, and harassment, discrimination, or retaliation based on other protected classifications such as race, disability, national origin, religion, and age. Because supervisors have special responsibilities to prevent, investigate and implement corrective measures, Masuda Funai normally conducts separate programs for employees and supervisors.

Based on varying COVID-19 comfort levels, some clients have begun to schedule in-person, socially distanced training and other clients have opted to utilize our webinar platform to provide the same training. Please contact your relationship attorney to schedule the training program for your company.

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